Fine art landscape photography featuring western
mountain landscapes and skyscapes primarily in Montana and Wyoming.

Western Mountain Landscapes and Skyscapes
Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4
Gallery 5
Gallery 6
Gallery 7
Montana and Wyoming
Carter E. Gowl photographs

Revised June 2, 2018

*NEW* View Carter's resume. Click here.

View the photo essay on Carter's work as published in Big Sky Journal. Click here.
Several recent images have been added to the galleries.
CARTER E. GOWL photographs dramatic landscapes and skyscapes of the West, primarily in the Beartooth Mountains of south central Montana and adjacent Wyoming – including the northeastern quadrant of Yellowstone National Park. His work is currently exhibited and sold in 11 fine art galleries and has been featured in calendar publications, national advertising and magazines such as Big Sky Journal and Outdoor Photographer. Carter photographs during three to four months spent each summer in Cooke City, Montana and then returns home to Virginia where he produces archival pigment prints from high resolution scans. Until 2008 printing was done exclusively with Ilfochrome. Many images are still available in this exquisite but discontinued analog medium.


For information about monitor brightness, accurate monitor display color and which browsers to use with Macintosh for critical color viewing – click here.

Images displayed on this site are low resolution to expedite loading speed. A sample of image L5 reveals improved image quality. Of course nothing displayed on a computer monitor can come close to the radiant beauty, rich color and exquisite detail of an archival pigment print or an Ilfochrome print.

© Copyright Carter E. Gowl